How to edit the Business Rate and Distance Unit (UK)

How to Edit the Business Rate and Distance Unit (UK)

Do you need to adjust your reimbursable mileage rate or switch from miles to kilometres? You can update both settings through the MileIQ web dashboard. Simply log in using the same email and password as your app.

Steps to Update Business Rate

  1. Once logged in, click on the Settings button next to your username and select the Rates & Units section.
  2. In this section, you can adjust the reimbursement rate used to calculate business drive values.
    • By default, rates are set to the current HMRC standard (e.g., 45p per mile for cars/vans for the first 10,000 miles in 2025).
    • To customise the rate, click the text box next to the vehicle type and enter a new rate (must be greater than £0.00).
    • Repeat this for all applicable rates (e.g., motorcycles, bicycles, or rates beyond 10,000 miles).
    • Click Update Rate to save your changes. All new and past reports will automatically reflect the updated rates.

Steps to Change Distance Unit

  1. In the same Rates & Units section, locate the toggle for Use Metric Units (KM) for distance.
  2. Slide the toggle to Yes (green) to switch to kilometres or No to stay with miles.
  3. Once toggled, MileIQ will recalculate the distance and value of all recorded drives, and future reports will reflect the updated unit.


From the MileIQ App:

Steps on adjusting rates on MileIQ app

From the Web Dashboard: 


  on adjusting rates on Web Dashboard


Updating these settings ensures accurate mileage tracking and reimbursement calculations tailored to your preferences.

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