How to: Edit the Business Rate and Distance Unit (CAN)

How can I edit the business rate and distance unit?

The rate that is used to calculate the value of business drives can easily be changed from the Settings page of the MileIQ dashboard. The distance unit that drives are reported in can be changed from the same Rates & Units section. You can log into your dashboard (same email and password as the app) at the MileIQ web dashboard.

Need more detailed steps? 

After logging into the dashboard, click on the Settings button next to your username to go to the Settings page. There you can set a custom business rate or set how distances are reported (kilometres or miles).

Editing the business rate:

From the Rates & Units section of the Settings page, a custom rate can be set for calculating the value of business classified mileage. The default (for 2025) is $0.72 per kilometre for the first 5,000 kilometres driven; for every kilometre after that, it's $0.66; but by clicking and typing in the text box, any amount can be entered. (Note: rate must be greater than $0.00). Clicking 'Update Rate' will set the new rate throughout MileIQ. Any reports that are submitted will also reflect the updated rate.

Additional Information:

  • For Canada users, the default automobile allowance rates in MileIQ are set to match the rates set by the CRA. The rate for 2025 business drives is $0.72 per kilometer for the first 5,000 kilometres driven; for every kilometre after that, it's $0.66. In the Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut, there is an additional 4¢ per kilometre allowed for travel. For more information on CRA automobile allowance rates, please see: Government of Canada Automobile Allowance Rate.
  • Check out more on the IQ Blog: How Self-Employed Can Deduct Mileage in Canada

Editing the distance unit:

The unit MileIQ uses to calculate distance are set to kilometres by default. However, the distance unit can be changed from Kilometres (KM) to Miles by changing the 'Use Metric Units (km) for Distance' option to "No". To switch back from miles to kilometres, simply set the option to "Yes".

Selecting a new distance unit will be cause MileIQ to re-calculate the distance (and therefore the value) of all drives in MileIQ. Any reports that are submitted will also reflect the new distance unit.

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