Welcome! You’re on the road to saving time and money, and we’re here to help. On that note, let’s make sure you’re set up for success. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 (and 4).
Step 1
Make sure you download the mobile app – available for iOS and Android. All you have to do is install it, sign in, and follow the prompts for location permissions and notifications. MileIQ will start automatically detecting your drives and keeping track of all your mileage.
- Download MileIQ for iOS (link)
- Download MileIQ for Android (link)
- Need more help? Here are step-by-step instructions for installing the app
Step 2
Once you’ve installed the app, take MileIQ for a spin. The next time you take a drive, you should get a notification about your first drive a few minutes after you park.
- Questions? Check out our drive detection best practices.
Step 3
Here’s where the fun starts. When you open up the app, you’ll see all your drives that need classifying. Just swipe right to classify drives as business, and left to classify drives as personal. It’s so satisfying to watch all your valuable mileage add up.
- Questions? Read more about how to classify drives.
Step 4
Once drives are classified you can generate accurate, detailed mileage reports that help you make the most of your deductions and reimbursements. You can download a PDF or CSV or email a report directly to your manager, your tax preparer, or anyone else who needs to see it.
- Questions? This article explains how to create and download a mileage report.
Thanks again for choosing MileIQ, the #1 mileage tracking app for maximizing tax deductions or reimbursements.
As always, we’re here to help you get started and keep you on track. If you have any questions, search the Help Center for more articles or click on the help button to connect with the MileIQ support team.