Some Android devices may have default settings enabled that terminate background apps from running after a certain amount of time in an attempt to conserve battery and improve overall performance.
To ensure your drives are shown as they're captured, run the "Check Device Settings" utility built into the MileIQ app from the Drive Detection menu.
Where to Access
After MileIQ is installed on your Android device, you can access the utility by tapping Fix Now on the notice card:
If you do not see the notice card, this utility can be found within the mobile app's Menu Settings > Drive Detection. Tap Check Device Settings to launch the utility:
If you cannot find the Check Device Settings utility in the above locations, please ensure you've updated to the latest version and then complete the form at to have this utility enabled for you.
More Information and Step-by-Step Instructions
Settings like Battery Optimization, Data Saver, App Power Monitor, Smart Manager, and App Standby are enabled by default in Android. Although, drives will remain on the device until the app is opened while connected to the internet; these settings can cause drives to show up after a long delay, making it seem as though no drives were caught or your account isn't synced.
For step-by-step instructions on these Android settings for your device, please click or tap your device brand below to learn how to manually allow MileIQ to consistently keep your mileage on track.
Samsung Phones and Tablets
Check these five settings to ensure MileIQ's Drive Detection is optimized on your Samsung device: Battery Optimization, Power Saving Mode, Smart Manager/App Power Monitor, Data Saver, and any installed third-party memory/RAM boosters.
The first area to check on your device is the Battery section, specifically: Battery Optimization. Battery Optimization features are designed to conserve battery, but can prevent MileIQ from functioning properly in capturing your drives. You can allow MileIQ to perform as needed in the background by doing the following:
- Go to Apps > Settings on your device
- Tap Device Maintenance if it is present
- Tap Battery > Battery Usage
- Scroll through All Apps to find MileIQ
- Tap MileIQ and set the Optimization Settings to Off so MileIQ can bypass this setting to consistently capture drives
Additional power/battery settings on Samsung devices like Power Saving Mode and Ultra Power Saver will turn off location services on your device automatically. Drives will not be captured when Power Saving Mode or Ultra Power Saver are enabled. You can turn off Power Saving Mode by:
- Go to Apps > Settings on your device
- Tap Device Maintenance if it is present
- Tap Battery
- Tap Power Saving Mode
- Tap the toggle to OFF to disable Power Saving Mode
Power Saving Mode can trigger automatically and cause gaps in your driving logs when your battery is low so ensure this setting won't turn on unexpectedly. If you use these settings, please be sure that location services are turned on after your device has been sufficiently charged and Power Saving Mode is disabled.
You can check your location settings by going to: Settings > Security & Location > Location > On
"High Accuracy" mode is required as well. You can check if it's on by going to Settings > Security & Location > Location > Mode > High Accuracy
The second setting on Samsung called Smart Manager/App Power Monitor will shut off other apps in the background. By default, this app will force-quit MileIQ if it hasn't been launched in 3 days and prevent all drives from being captured.
- Older Samsung devices (S5 and older - Android OS version 4.4 to 5.1) tend to have the Smart Manager while newer Samsung devices (S6 and newer - Android OS version 6.0 to 8) changed this setting to the App Power Monitor located within the Device Maintenance app.
If your device is using Android 6 or newer, your Samsung device most likely has the App Power Monitor enabled. Please check your device manual on allowing MileIQ to be added to the whitelist or "unmonitored apps" list of this setting, or by following the steps here:
- Open your device's Settings (Apps > Settings)
- Tap Device Maintenance
- Tap Battery
- Tap App Power Monitor and/or Unmonitored Apps
- Then under 'Unmonitored Apps' tap Add Apps or Edit
- Tap MileIQ to add it to the list of unmonitored apps to prevent it from being shut down.
If your device is using Android 5 or older and the Smart Manager app is on your Samsung device, please check the following settings:
- Find and open the Smart Manager app on your device
- Click on Battery
- Under the "App optimization" or "App power saving" area - Click Detail
- Select MileIQ from the list
- Change the setting to "Turned off"
The third setting to check on your device is the Data Saver setting. To prevent issues with Data Saver on your Samsung device:
- Open your device's Settings
- Tap Data Usage
- Tap Data Saver
- If Data Saver is already turned off, leave the setting off so MileIQ will be unaffected.
- Tap Unrestricted data usage
- Scroll to and tap MileIQ to On to prevent this issue
The last area to check on your Samsung device is in any third-party Memory/RAM optimization apps like Memory Booster if installed on your device. The popular Memory Booster app is designed to shut down apps (like MileIQ) in the background to prevent any activity. If you use this app, you will need to have MileIQ bypass this setting to continuously capture drives by adding the app to its whitelist. Here's how:
- Open the Memory Booster app
- Tap the ⋮ menu button in the upper right corner
- Tap Whitelist
- Tap the + button in the upper right corner
- Scroll down to MileIQ and tap the + button to have it bypass this app
LG Phones and Tablets
Check these four settings to ensure MileIQ's Drive Detection is optimized on your LG device.
To prevent/resolve this first issue, allow MileIQ to bypass any Battery/Power Optimization features on your device.
- Open your device's Settings
- Scroll down and tap Battery (Battery & power saving)
- Tap Battery usage
- Scroll down and tap Ignore optimizations
- Find and tap MileIQ to On so it can bypass this setting allowing it to capture drives consistently
Additional power/battery settings like Battery Saver Mode will turn off location services on your device automatically. Drives will not be captured when Battery Saver Mode is enabled. You can turn off Battery Saver Mode by:
- Go to Settings on your device
- Tap Battery (Battery & power saving)
- Tap Battery Saver Mode
- Tap the toggle to OFF to disable Battery Saver Mode
If you use this setting, please be sure that location services are turned on after your device has been sufficiently charged and Battery Saver Mode is disabled.
You can check your location settings by going to: Settings > Security & Location > Location > On
"High Accuracy" mode is required as well. You can check if it's on by going to Settings > Security & Location > Location > Mode > High Accuracy
Also, allow MileIQ to bypass the Data Saver setting on your LG device:
- Open your device's Settings
- Tap Mobile Data
- Tap Wi-Fi
- Scroll down and tap MileIQ
- Enable Unrestricted data usage
The last area to check on your LG device is in any third-party Memory/RAM optimization apps like Memory Booster if installed on your device. The popular Memory Booster app is designed to shut down apps (like MileIQ) in the background to prevent any activity. If you use this app, you will need to have MileIQ bypass this setting to continuously capture drives by adding the app to its whitelist. Here's how:
- Open the Memory Booster app
- Tap the ⋮ menu button in the upper right corner
- Tap Whitelist
- Tap the + button in the upper right corner
- Scroll down to MileIQ and tap the + button to have it bypass this app
Motorola Phones
Check these four settings to ensure MileIQ's Drive Detection is optimized on your Motorola device.
Some Motorola phones will have a built in Battery Optimization feature that will shut down the "activity of seldom used apps". To turn this off so MileIQ isn't shut down preventing drive detection, please do the following:
- Open your device's Settings (Apps > Settings)
- Tap Battery
- Tap the ⋮ menu button, and then tap Battery Optimization
- Tap All Apps
- Find MileIQ and disable this optimization feature for it.
Adjusting this setting should have minimal impact on your device battery and performance as MileIQ should consume almost no power when stationary (as it quickly goes to "sleep"), and it will typically only minimally increase battery when in transit.
Additional power/battery settings like Battery Saver Mode will turn off location services on your device automatically. Drives will not be captured when Battery Saver Mode is enabled. You can turn off Battery Saver Mode by:
- Go to Settings on your device
- Tap Battery
- Tap the ⋮ menu button, and then tap Battery Saver Mode
- Tap the toggle to OFF to disable Battery Saver Mode
If you use this setting, please be sure that location services are turned on after your device has been sufficiently charged and Battery Saver Mode is disabled.
You can check your location settings by going to: Settings > Security & Location > Location > On
"High Accuracy" mode is required as well. You can check if it's on by going to Settings > Security & Location > Location > Mode > High Accuracy
Also, ensure your device has unrestricted data usage enabled for MileIQ by doing the following:
- Open your device's Settings
- Tap Data usage
- Tap Cellular data usage
- Scroll down and tap MileIQ
- Tap Background data
- Turn On Unrestricted data usage
Another area to check on your Motorola device is in any third-party Memory/RAM optimization apps like Memory Booster if installed on your device. The popular Memory Booster app is designed to shut down apps (like MileIQ) in the background to prevent any activity. If you use this app, you will need to have MileIQ bypass this setting to continuously capture drives by adding the app to its whitelist. Here's how:
- Open the Memory Booster app
- Tap the ⋮ menu button in the upper right corner
- Tap Whitelist
- Tap the + button in the upper right corner
- Scroll down to MileIQ and tap the + button to have it bypass this app
Pixel and Nexus Phones
Check these four settings to ensure MileIQ's Drive Detection is optimized on your Pixel or Nexus device.
Make sure your Battery settings aren't disabling MileIQ in the background without your knowledge:
- Open your device's Settings
- Tap Battery
- Tap ⋮ (more)
- Then tap Battery optimization
- Tap MileIQ and set it to Not Optimized
Additional power/battery settings like Battery Saver will turn off location services on your device automatically. Drives will not be captured when Power Saving Mode is enabled. You can turn off Power Saving Mode by:
- Go to Settings on your device
- Tap Battery
- Tap Battery Saver
- Tap the toggle to OFF to disable Power Saving Mode
If you use this setting, please be sure that location services are turned on after your device has been sufficiently charged and Battery Saver Mode is disabled.
You can check your location settings by going to: Settings > Security & Location > Location > On
"High Accuracy" mode is required as well. You can check if it's on by going to Settings > Security & Location > Location > Mode > High Accuracy
Also, allow MileIQ to bypass the Data Saver setting on your Google Pixel or Pixel XL so drives are shown as they're captured:
- Open your device's Settings
- Tap Network & Internet
- Tap Data usage
- Tap on Data saver
- If enabled, tap Unrestricted data usage
- If Data Saver is already turned off, leave the setting off so MileIQ will be unaffected.
- Scroll down and tap MileIQ to On to consistently track your drives in the background
The last area to check on your Pixel device is in any third-party Memory/RAM optimization apps like Memory Booster if installed on your device. The popular Memory Booster app is designed to shut down apps (like MileIQ) in the background to prevent any activity. If you use this or a similar app, you will need to have MileIQ bypass this setting to continuously capture drives by adding the app to its whitelist. Here's how:
- Open the Memory Booster app
- Tap the ⋮ menu button in the upper right corner
- Tap Whitelist
- Tap the + button in the upper right corner
- Scroll down to MileIQ and tap the + button to have it bypass this app
Other Phones
Please check your specific device for any settings that may be preventing MileIQ from launching in the background. Generally, this will be found in the Battery menu and can even be caused by Power/Battery Saving, Restricted Data Usage and/or third-party app management apps.
HTC Phones
Some HTC devices will have a built-in Battery Optimization feature that will shut down the "activity of seldom used apps". To turn this off so MileIQ isn't shut down preventing drive detection, please do the following:
- Open your device's Settings (Apps > Settings)
- Tap Battery
- Tap the menu button and then tap Battery Optimization
- Tap All Apps
- Find MileIQ and disable this optimization feature for it.
Additional power/battery settings like Battery Saver will turn off location services on your device automatically. Drives will not be captured when Power Saving Mode is enabled. You can turn off Power Saving Mode by:
- Go to Settings on your device
- Tap Battery
- Tap Battery Saver
- Tap the toggle to OFF to disable Power Saving Mode
If you use this setting, please be sure that location services are turned on after your device has been sufficiently charged and Battery Saver Mode is disabled.
You can check your location settings by going to: Settings > Security & Location > Location > On
"High Accuracy" mode is required as well. You can check if it's on by going to Settings > Security & Location > Location > Mode > High Accuracy
Huawei Phones
Huawei devices are not supported at this time.
For more troubleshooting suggestions, see here: Drive detection best practices
Please see our Battery Life Best Practices article for tips on improving battery usage.