How to adjust email notification settings

How to Adjust Email Notification Settings

You have full control over the email notifications you receive from MileIQ. Adjust your preferences anytime through the mobile app or web dashboard.


Adjusting Notifications in the Mobile App

  1. Open the MileIQ app and navigate to Settings > Email Communications.
  2. Use the toggle switches to enable or disable specific notifications:
    • A green toggle means the notification is On.
    • A gray toggle means the notification is Off.




Adjusting Notifications on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log in to your MileIQ account at the MileIQ Web Dashboard using the same email and password as the app.
  2. Click Settings in the left-hand menu and navigate to the Notifications section.
  3. Check or uncheck the boxes for the email communications you want to enable or disable.




Additional Information

  • Weekly Emails:
    • Sent every Monday around 8 AM to your account email address.
    • Includes a summary, details, and stats for the previous week’s drives.
  • Month-End Emails:
    • Sent on the 1st of each month to your account email address.
    • Provides a summary of stats for the previous month at a glance.

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