How to auto-classify Frequent Drives

MileIQ's Frequent Drives: Simplifying Auto-Classification

MileIQ makes it effortless to classify your drives with the Frequent Drives feature. Once you classify a route a few times, MileIQ automatically detects similar drives and offers to auto-classify them. You'll receive notifications in the app when a drive is auto-classified, and you can edit or review these details anytime via the web dashboard.

Key Topics:


Setting Up Frequent Drives

  1. Frequent Drive Suggestions
    After you classify a drive the same way twice, a hint appears at the bottom of the drive card, showing the classification and its potential to become a Frequent Drive.
  2. Confirmation Prompt
    On the third classification, you'll see a prompt asking if you'd like to auto-classify this route in the future.
    • To include similar unclassified drives, keep the "Include # unclassified drives" box checked.
    • Leaving this box unchecked means past drives won’t be auto-classified, and you'll need to classify them manually.
  3. Enabling Auto-Classification
    Tap "Yes, Auto-Classify" to confirm. A success message will appear at the bottom of your screen.
    • Selecting "Not Now" delays the prompt until you classify three more similar drives.
    • To disable these prompts entirely, see instructions below.


  on enabling frequent drives in MileIQ app


Editing Frequent Drives

You can edit Frequent Drives from the MileIQ web dashboard:

  1. Identifying Auto-Classified Drives
    Look for the 🚗 symbol next to auto-classified drives in the drive list.
  2. Editing Individual Drives
    Click a drive to modify its details in the right-hand column.
  3. Editing a Group of Drives
    • Use the "Filters" menu at the top of the dashboard and select "Frequent Drives (Auto-Classified)."
    • To stop auto-classification for a route, click "Edit" > "Stop Auto-Classify" in the drive details panel.


Adjusting Frequent drives on web dashboard


Disabling Frequent Drives

You can turn off Frequent Drives completely via the MileIQ app or web dashboard:

  • From the App
    Go to Settings > Frequent Drives and toggle the slider to Disabled.
  • From the Web Dashboard
    Navigate to Settings > Auto-Classification and toggle Frequent Drives to No.


Notes & Tips

  • Name Your Locations: Label key spots like "Home" or "Work" to make recognizing Frequent Drives easier.
  • Use Bulk Edit: Quickly modify multiple auto-classified routes.



1. What qualifies as a "Frequent Drive"?
Drives with the same start and end points (regardless of route) are eligible for Frequent Drive classification.

2. How can I add details to a Frequent Drive?
Edit notes and other details via the web dashboard. Click the drive, make changes, and press "Save."

3. How do I reclassify a drive marked as a Frequent Drive?
Use the "Purpose" column in the web dashboard to select a new classification. This updates the individual drive but not future classifications.

4. Where can I view my Frequent Drives?
The web dashboard shows a complete history of all drives. Use the "Auto-Classified" filter to focus on Frequent Drives.

5. Can I set up auto-classification rules manually?
No, Frequent Drive detection is fully automatic, based on consistent classification of similar drives.

6. What if I take the same route for different purposes?
The feature works best for consistent purposes. For occasional changes, edit the one-time drive classification on the web dashboard.


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