How to: Create a Report through the Dashboard (Simple)

Once drives are classified, you can easily create reports through our MileIQ Web Dashboard with just a few clicks in the Reports view. To learn how to create a more fine-tuned report through the Drives view in the Web Dashboard, see How to: Create a Report through the Web Dashboard (Advanced).

The easiest way to create a MileIQ report is through the Reports view, by clicking on 'Reports' on the left side of the MileIQ Web Dashboard.

Dashboard Reports.png

Once there, you can create a MileIQ report by selecting a date (1), types of classified drives (2), and vehicles (3), as shown below:

Report date class vehicle.png

Once you’ve made your selections, click the ‘Create this report’ button to bring up the Report Creation window. Name your report, select a delivery method, specify a custom rate for your business miles (optional) and add other optional details if desired. Click the ‘Create Report’ button to send the report.

create report.png

You can also access the report from the newly created Report Card that will appear in the list of downloadable archived reports in the lower section of the view.

archived reports.png

Reports are automatically generated in both PDF and CSV formats and can be downloaded with the corresponding buttons. The CSV report is best viewed in Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers and other spreadsheet programs. If you want to make further edits to the report, the CSV version is a good place to make them. The PDF version includes more formatting and is a good choice when you need to share an uneditable version of the report with others. Both versions start with summary totals on the first page, followed by a detailed log of all included drives in subsequent pages.

archived csv pdf.png


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