As a Teams Pro admin, you can set a custom mileage rate for your entire team. This helps tailor reimbursement rates to your organization's specific needs. Here’s how to easily set a custom mileage rate.
Setting a custom mileage rate:
- On your dashboard, find the "Custom Rates" page on the left-hand menu.
- In the Custom Rates section, click “Change rates” in the top right. By default, the standard government rate is automatically applied here.
- To set a custom mileage rate:
- Click on the option to add a new rate in the top right of the custom rates screen.
- Enter the rate amount per mile or kilometer.
- You can also set an “Effective Date” to have the custom rate start on a certain date.
- Save the new rate to apply it to all drivers on your team.
Note: rate changes are not retroactive and only apply to future drives.
That’s it! You’re all set.