MileIQ for Teams: Custom Mileage Rates

As a Teams Pro admin, you can set a custom mileage rate for your entire team. This helps tailor reimbursement rates to your organization's specific needs. Here’s how to easily set a custom mileage rate.

Setting a custom mileage rate:

  1. On your dashboard, find the "Custom Rates" page on the left-hand menu.
  2. In the Custom Rates section, click “Change rates” in the top right. By default, the standard government rate is automatically applied here. 
  3. To set a custom mileage rate:
    1. Click on the option to add a new rate in the top right of the custom rates screen.
    2. Enter the rate amount per mile or kilometer.
    3. You can also set an “Effective Date” to have the custom rate start on a certain date. 
    4. Save the new rate to apply it to all drivers on your team.

Note: rate changes are not retroactive and only apply to future drives.

That’s it! You’re all set.

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