How to quickly bulk-classify Drives

Quickly classify, edit, or add notes to many drives using the web dashboard by filtering in the desired drives and selecting all using the checkbox below the search bar. 

The Search feature on the MileIQ web dashboard allows for the selection of specific drives based on information like locations, Custom Purpose, Named Location, date, vehicle, or even text in notes.

  • Use the calendar to filter drives within a date range. 
  • For classifications, you can quickly select All, Business or Personal directly under the date range.
    • For custom purposes, use the Filter tab next to the date range to see a list of all of the built-in purposes and the ones you created.
  • Selecting any one or combination of the drive tiles will filter all drives with that or those specific classification(s) within the selected date range.
  • You can also use the "Search in drives..." bar at the top of the page. 
    • Enter any information included in your drives to filter in drives containing that information.
      • All information is searchable: including Notes, drives "to:" and "from:" a location, Named Locations, and assigned vehicles.
      • Please see here for more information on How to name your locations.

Select Drives as a Group

Once you have only the drives you want selected, you can edit them in bulk using the checkbox underneath the filters.

Classify or Edit Drives as a Group 

At this point, you can edit Purpose, Vehicle, Parking, Tolls, or Notes in the Drive Card located to the right of the drive list.

Drive details edited in this way will be applied to all selected drives. After making the change, please confirm the changes in the “Modify these drives?” box by selecting “Yes, modify”.

Make a mistake?

On the web dashboard, the last action (deleting, joining, classifying, etc.) can be undone by clicking the Undo button at the bottom of the page. 

Clicking the Undo button will restore the drives back to the web dashboard.

Note: If you’ve accidentally joined or deleted multiple drives and are unable to undo the action, please complete the form at with your MileIQ account’s email address with the start/end locations, date and time, and approximate distance of the joined or deleted drives.

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