How to run a Tiered Report (CAN)

Let MileIQ keep track of your automobiles and the different automobile allowance rates associated with each region. With a tiered report, tracking business drives driven within and above 5,000 kilometres is automatic. 

We offer two seamless ways to get your drives emailed to you: from within the mobile app or directly from the MileIQ web dashboard

The tiered report will get sent to your email address on file and allows you to easily edit the business rate for your automobile and tiers. The reports are in a XLS format which can be opened by any spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, and Google Docs).

Mobile App

From the mobile app, first tap on the Reports button at the top right of the screen.

Then, select the year or month for which you would like to receive your recorded drives.

That’s it! Check your inbox for an email with a downloadable XLS file.

Web Dashboard

To print a tiered report from the MileIQ web dashboard, sign in to the dashboard with the same email and password you use for the app.

Once logged in, make sure all the drives you want to report are classified to ensure maximum business drive reimbursements. Drives that are not classified will not be included in the monthly tiered reports.

Then, there are two ways to request an annual or monthly tiered report to your email address, from the Drives View or the Reports View.

Creating a Report from the Drives View

In the Drives View of the web dashboard, click the Date Filter and then use the drop-down calendar to select the month or year you wish to run a report for. You can also use preset filters like "This month" or "Last year" to pick a date range. Note that you'll need to select a start date AND an end date for a custom range.

After selecting the drives you would like to report, a drive card will appear in the right-hand pane of the dashboard. Click the ‘Report’ button below the drive details in the drive card.

This will bring up the Report Creation window, where you'll name the report, select a delivery method, specify a custom rate for your business kilometres (optional) and add other optional details.

Creating a Report from the Reports View

You can also create reports using the Report Builder in the Reports View. Easily access the Reports View by clicking the Reports Tab at the top of the page.

You'll use the Report Selectors to select a set of drives to include in the report. You can also use preset filters like "This month" or "Last year" to pick a date range. Note that you'll need to select a start date AND an end date for a custom range.

After selecting the date range of the drives you would like to report, click “Create this report.” This will bring up the Report Creation window, where you'll name the report, select a delivery method, specify a custom rate for your business kilometres (optional) and add other optional details. Afterwards, check your Mail Inbox for an email with a downloadable XLS file with either your year-to-date or monthly drives report.

Monthly/Annual Tiered Report

After receiving your monthly/annual drives report in your Inbox, please click on the ‘Detailed log of your drives (.xls)’ button to open a tiered monthly/annual XLS report. After opening the report, you will see a ‘Total Kilometres Logged Outside of MileIQ’ and a ‘Kilometre Rates Input’ table on the top left.

You can adjust the business kilometre rate for your automobile and tiers by editing the values within the the ‘Kilometre Rates Input’ table.

The automobile allowance rates that are used to calculate the value of your drives are set by default to the CRA standard rates. In the Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut, there is an additional $0.04 per kilometre allowed for travel. This rate will be reflected by default if your region is set to the Northwest Territories, Yukon, or Nunavut.

If you have been logging kilometres prior to using MileIQ, simply fill in the kilometres in the ‘Total Kilometers Logged Outside of MileIQ’ table. Once you input the numerical values, the report will take into account the kilometres logged outside of MileIQ into the amount of business kilometres driven. However, MileIQ will not add the value of these business kilometres logged outside of MileIQ into the total value of your business drives in this report. The report only calculates the values of the drives logged within MileIQ.

Within the report, the ‘Rate Tier’ column shows the value ‘1’ if the drive is within the first 5,000 business kilometres. For all drives over 5,000 business kilometres, the value ‘2’ is shown to indicate that the ‘Over 5K KMs’ rate for an automobile is used to calculate these business kilometres. The monthly tiered report will take into account business kilometres recorded by MileIQ from previous months.

Additional Information

  • The ‘Total Kilometres Logged Outside of MileIQ’ and the ‘Kilometres Rates Input’ tables will not be included in the print out of the mileage report.
  • For more information on creating a report, please visit How to create Reports


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